Sunday 26 February 2017


Where Am I?

The skills I've developed so far are that I'm more confident in acting on the stage and I'm less nervous. I've also been able to project my voice more and have been working on my articulation and to help with that I've been reading tongue twisters.


The areas I need to work on is when I'm performing I need to be in character the whole time even backstage. I also need to watch more plays so they can inspire me and help me with my acting. I need to also work on my inner monologue. When I'm acting on stage I need to work on breaking the 4th wall.

Next Steps?

After I finished college I plan to apply to drama school and I have two in mind which are RADA (Royal Academy Of Dramatic Art) or LAMDA (London Academy of Music & Dramatic Art). I've already got a couple of Shakespeare monologues and a couple of modern monologues and I have been learning them so I'm prepared to audition for the drama schools. 

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