Friday 9 June 2017

Blackout Research

We are doing a play called Blackout who is written by Davey Anderson. The play is about a boy called James who is accused of dangerous crime and as a result ends in prison. Davey Anderson was inspired by the true stories of a young offender from Glasgow. Blackout is the true story of a 15-year-old boy charged with attempted murder who tries to piece together the events in his life that have brought him into a secure care unit and threaten to keep him there. This short play packs a big emotional punch with its stylistic economy and razor-sharp storytelling. It was performed at the grand nationals. It’s known to be a drama and the style is quite open meaning you can change it anyway shape or form making it adaptable to the audience members. The play is also physical theatre. (2017). Blackout - Drama Online. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Jun. 2017].

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