Sunday 11 June 2017

Blackout Evaluation

On the 1st June we performed our Blackout play. The things that went well in the performance was that no one forgot their lines and even anyone did someone said it for them so it doesn't leave a dead stage. Another thing that went well was that everyone knew what they were doing and everyone knew their cues. The thing that we could improve on as a group is that the last scene could of been worked on more because we were all supposed to say "blackout" together but it ended up with one person saying it. The things that I could improve on was in scene 14 when I played James I had a tiny monologue although I was nervous I could of slowed down a little and not rush it.

Things that went well in rehearsals was almost everyone by the second or third week knew their lines so we could focus on the more physical side of the scenes. The thing that could of been improved on the most was attendance and punctuality because on one of the days we had most of our group not in and only five people were in and we couldn't rehearse because the people that weren't in were in most of the scenes and almost everyday a couple of people from our group were 30 minutes late and in that short time we could of rehearsed a lot more then we did.

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