Thursday 17 November 2016

Drama Workshop

On Friday we had Gemma from Camden's people's workshop come to work on and improve our drama skills. We first did a warm up where we had to walk around within the space with a straight posture and every now and then the teacher said to stop, go and get into groups of either 2,3,4 etc. We then had to get into groups where we had to create a freeze frame of the different things Gemma said for instance on was where we were at a wedding and we each got into different positions to make the freeze frame more realistic. We then got given paper to write down a question about anything that came to mind and then we had to answer it, my question was Should I take my black belt test in Karate?. When I answered it I listed out different things that would happen in the test such as: the test is taken in Japanese, do I know all of the moves well enough to pass, you have to get 16/20 marks to pass etc. We then had to get into pairs roughly the same height and did various exercise's such as doing a trust fall. after that the class got spilt up into mini groups and the questions that we written down earlier on we got given on question per group and our group got given my question and we had to create a mini piece of drama which include the answer for the question. This all helps us in the future because it gave me more understanding for what types of exercise's and skills we would be doing and learning in an actually Drama school.

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