Thursday 17 November 2016

Stanislavski Exercises

Today we worked on different Stanislavski exercises. During the lesson on Stanislavski exercise we spent the lesson that day focusing on learning about his several techniques and familiarising ourselves with those techniques in order to use them for our other works towards the start of the session we were placed into pairs in the class and each pair had to sit on a chair opposite each other making sure we did not interact or move what so ever just remain in complete silence making sure we kept eye contact with each other first got into pairs and we got given a picture and we had to observe the picture and then describe what we observed. we also got given a circumstance and Magic if where we had to be homeless and we want some money for tea but the person in front refuses so we have to threaten then to give us money. We also got given an envelope where it had different dramatic terms and we had to match them up with the description.

Introduction To Professional Practice

 We discussed what Jobs Roles we would need in the acting industry, In my pair we came up with:
Stage Manager
Box Office
Technical Theatre
Set design
Casting Manager

We then had to write down all the job roles we would need for a touring theatre company for our play 'The Cherry Orchard' and they are the same roles as the ones that wrote down first. 

 We then discussed the potential issues that could get in the way for these roles and we came up with that a budget because if the producer doesn't want to give that much money for the production to go on then the money will be limited.

Drama Workshop

On Friday we had Gemma from Camden's people's workshop come to work on and improve our drama skills. We first did a warm up where we had to walk around within the space with a straight posture and every now and then the teacher said to stop, go and get into groups of either 2,3,4 etc. We then had to get into groups where we had to create a freeze frame of the different things Gemma said for instance on was where we were at a wedding and we each got into different positions to make the freeze frame more realistic. We then got given paper to write down a question about anything that came to mind and then we had to answer it, my question was Should I take my black belt test in Karate?. When I answered it I listed out different things that would happen in the test such as: the test is taken in Japanese, do I know all of the moves well enough to pass, you have to get 16/20 marks to pass etc. We then had to get into pairs roughly the same height and did various exercise's such as doing a trust fall. after that the class got spilt up into mini groups and the questions that we written down earlier on we got given on question per group and our group got given my question and we had to create a mini piece of drama which include the answer for the question. This all helps us in the future because it gave me more understanding for what types of exercise's and skills we would be doing and learning in an actually Drama school.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Tuesday 20th September

On Tuesday 20th we had Rob and we got given our Scripts for Greek Theatre and I got given the script for Trojan women and to portray the Character of Hecuba. We then went through a line run and tried out different styles of acting the character out, such as I tried to portray Hecuba as an angry character and then tried her as a sad person but keeping in mind that my objective is to not let the Greeks take away the children and for the women not to be slaves

Monday 26th September

On Monday 26th September we were in the theatre rehearsing our Greek theatre and we had to perform it to the class and we got given some feedback and I got given to not rush what I'm saying as the audience won't understand what I'm saying, I also need to move the voice and not stay on one tone as the audience will get bored. some other feedback we got given as a class is to not dance on stage because every now and then Rob could see us moving a tiny bit on stage, we also need to pronounce the Greek words properly.

Greek Theatre

We had Drama and taking into consideration the feedback that rob gave us I went home and looked up on the internet on how to pronounce the Greek words and practiced how to say them with the script. when rehearsing I tried to not rush and I took my time in saying the lines so the audience will be able to understand what I'm saying and also understand what's going on.