Saturday 15 October 2016

Glasgow Girls Evaluation

On Thursday 29th September we went to see a play in the Royal Theatre Stratford East called Glasgow Girls. The play is about a group of girls who are asylum seekers and they are trying to fight to stay in Glasgow instead of being deported back to their country. I liked the way they projected their voices and they didn't just look straight forward they also looked up as we were up in the upper section, they also had a set design which was very basic and didn't change but it worked well as they used different sections such as the middle for home's. They had really good sound effects which worked well and some was very surprising such as loud bangs which scared me every now and then. What they could improve on was the mic's when they were singing they could be a tiny bit quieter because they were shouting and sometimes I couldn't understand what they saying as it was really loud so when they were singing they could sing a bit quieter so we can understand what they are saying. By watching this performance helped me with how we could perform our Greek theatre and it helped me to understand more about asylum seekers and what they go through and the different emotions they have.

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