Saturday 15 October 2016

Glasgow Girls Evaluation

On Thursday 29th September we went to see a play in the Royal Theatre Stratford East called Glasgow Girls. The play is about a group of girls who are asylum seekers and they are trying to fight to stay in Glasgow instead of being deported back to their country. I liked the way they projected their voices and they didn't just look straight forward they also looked up as we were up in the upper section, they also had a set design which was very basic and didn't change but it worked well as they used different sections such as the middle for home's. They had really good sound effects which worked well and some was very surprising such as loud bangs which scared me every now and then. What they could improve on was the mic's when they were singing they could be a tiny bit quieter because they were shouting and sometimes I couldn't understand what they saying as it was really loud so when they were singing they could sing a bit quieter so we can understand what they are saying. By watching this performance helped me with how we could perform our Greek theatre and it helped me to understand more about asylum seekers and what they go through and the different emotions they have.

Evaluation: Medea

At the start I didn't know what Medea was so I researched online to find out a bit more about it. The very first lesson we got put into groups of four and got given the first paragraph to work on. We then as a group read through the paragraph and thought of different ideas of how we are we're going to show this to an audience, we all agreed on saying different part of the paragraph, so each of us had something to say. We then had to think of where we were going to stand and how we are going to start it off. We had two people in the front and two people at the back but taking into consideration that we weren't blocking anyone. We then came up with the idea of saying the first line together and then everyone say the rest by ourselves. As we gone through the term we progressed and came up with some lines we say together and then saying the rest ourselves. On the fourth lesson our group and the second group got put into one big group so performance flows and there aren't big pauses we then came up as a group that we each perform and add in different movements and people from the other group get involved with our performance so they don't just stand and do nothing.

What worked well was that we always ran through practicing smoothly and there was no problems and arguments, also everyone learnt their lines for the second lesson so we could add in any movements. What could of been better was we don't rush our words otherwise I thought it went really well. As we went through the term I learnt that working as an ensemble that the only problem is that sometimes you come off target easily. Also if someone isn't in you can work around the problem easily because there are always other people in the group to read that persons lines.

I helped me as a performer as it helped my confidence boost and by working in a group it helps because if you forget your lines there are always the people in the group to help so it doesn't look like you forget your lines.


Today we rehearsed for an hour and working on the points and feedback that was made last lesson and trying to develop our acting skills. We then performed in front of the class and they given us feedback so we can be perfect on the day of performing. we got given feedback like I need to put more emotion into what I'm saying and not to rush what I'm saying as the audience won't understand what I'm saying.


On Wednesday we had Sharon and we are working on a piece called Medea and we got given given a piece of text in a group of 4 and we have to divide it up so we each say something and each week we have to write a log book explaining what we done in that lesson.



Monday 10 October 2016

Engaging with an audience

We were rehearsing and taking into consideration of the feedback given by Rob last lesson i tried to act out my role with different emotions i tried acting angry and then sad. i also tried to move my voice so it doesn't stay in one tone. i also took my time with saying the script. We then had to perform in front of an audience which was the Level 3's 2nd year and then they gave us feedback such as to have more energy when performing. We also got feedback from Rob such as we had good reactions to each other on stage, i had good listening skills, good vocals. What i have to improve on is to enjoy playing the role on stage, and Rob also said to have more energy. So next lesson i have to take these points and rehearse with them.