Tuesday 27 February 2018

Unit 12

On Thursday we worked on our characters. At first we were walking around the space in neutral 
and we had to think of one word that would describe our character and I chose outgoing, the reason why I chose the word outgoing is from the way the waiter speaks in the play sounds a bit straight forward and I wanted to make the character more cheerful to make it more interesting and to challenge myself. We next had to think of two gestures to go with the word and one could be totally different to each other I chose for my first one was jumping in with jazz hands and the second on was praying. I chose these because I remember whilst reading the script that my character mentions Jesus a lot so I thought maybe to incorporated something to do with Jesus and praying was the first thing that came to my head. Next we got into groups of three and we had our characters meet each other by using only the gestures, sounds and two lines from the script and created a mini scene. We then joined up with another group using the same gestures and words and we tried to make a scene. By doing this helped me understand my character more and how I may want to play it for the show. 


Tuesday 20 February 2018

Unit 9 Cupcakes and Knives

Unit 9 Cupcakes and Knives

During the first week of rehearsals, we had to produce a trailer as a to get a rough idea of what theme we wanted put across.

The second week we got into our groups and we had to create a time line for the rehearsal process and writing down the concept of the play for instance the characters, a quick idea of a plot, location of the play. As well as writing down scene by scene the sequences of event.

 The third week we finalised the scenes and started bringing the performance to our feet by rehearsing it and the hot seating of the characters to get a background understanding of where each of them came from. We also thought about how we would stage it and the props needed and sound effects as well to help create a certain atmosphere and mood for the audience.

The forth week we had challenges as one person did not agree to the role she was assigned and so, we had to adjust to the needs of the actor so that she felt comfortable with performing the role. Then we rehearsed a bit more until we thought it was up to standard and ready for the technical rehearsal. Overall, the day was successful.

Week five was the technical rehearsal. We went through the piece as though we were performing it making sure that everything was in the right place and we felt confident with what we were doing and the entrances and exits on stage. At first out concentration was all over the place, however, once we got into the piece, we felt that it went quite well. Also, during rehearsal and performance, the translations between scenes and characters were very clear and the message of the play as well. What needs to be developed to make it even better would  be the party scenes energy, commitment and transition from the start to the end of the scene.